Quais são os tipos de Bullying?

  • Physical: pushing, poking, hitting, pinching, hair pulling, beating, biting and other forms of hurting and threats.
  • Verbal: name-calling, teasing, and gossip.
  • Emotional: Rejecting, taking personal items or things, making the person feel different, scared and unsafe, being ignored or left out.
  • Sexual: Unwanted touching or physical contact.
  • Bullying Is:When one child, or a group of children, keeps hurting another child through words or actions. Bullying may involve making you feel uncomfortable or scared, or being made to do things you do not want to do.

    Why do bullies do it?

    To be popular or to look tough and in charge. Maybe they are scared of being picked on, so they do it first. Perhaps they do not fit in or are bullied by family or adults at home. It could be that bullies do not like themselves, so they bully and hurt others to make themselves feel better.

    Why does it happen?

    Bullying happens for a variety of different reasons:

  • It happens to kids who have difficulty making friends or fitting into groups
  • It happens to kids who look, speak, or walk differently than others.
  • It happens to kids who are shy, or unable to stand up for themselves.

Why does bullying hurt?

It makes you feel unhappy, scared, lonely, different, loss of confidence, and illness.

What can you do?Always remember, you are not the problem, the bully is. Stay in a group, ignore the bully, walk away, tell a friend or an adult.

How to stop the bullying:

Tell a friend or a teacher or an adult. Practice what you want to say. Keep notes about what is happening. If it does not stop, ask your parents to call the school.

Are you a bully?

If you are, get help, speak to a teacher or your parents and remember to treat others as you would like to be treated.

For Bullying Resources in Arizona Schools:


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26 opiniões sobre “Quais são os tipos de Bullying?”

  1. o bulling é como se fosse a fonte de energia para as pessoas praticantes do bulling eu acho que o bulling é uma coisa que as pessoas fazem de passatempo


  2. eu nem sei ler em ingles mas eu fui no google tradutor.
    (risos), muitos(risos)mais eles podiam facilitar um pouco ne pelo amor de deus,o site e uma bosta mas se\rviu pra alguma coisa cara mais e uma porcaria. tchau sou julia .me add no email


  3. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee site eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uma mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaa eu odieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! merda mermo


  4. que saite veio é esse nõa intendi nada se por favor vcs colocassem em portugues ficaria muito mais facil vcs nao me ajudaram em nada agora perdi minha nota sorte que ainda tem algum saite que preste


  5. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


  6. gentii texto traduzido>>>>

    O que você pode fazer? Lembre-se sempre, você não é o problema, o valentão é. Mantenha-se em um grupo, ignorar o valentão, a pé, dizer a um amigo ou um adulto.
    Como parar o bullying:

    Indique a um amigo ou um professor ou um adulto. Pratique o que você quer dizer. Manter anotações sobre o que está acontecendo. Se ele não parar, pede aos teus pais para ligar para a escola.

    Você é um tirano?

    Se você estiver, procure ajuda, fale com um professor ou de seus pais e lembrar-se de tratar os outros como gostaria de ser tratado.

    Para Recursos Bullying nas Escolas do Arizona:



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