Escolas desistem dos calendários de avaliação

Escolas deixaram de cumprir modelo de avaliação condenado. Foto Paaulete Matos

Enquanto na Assembleia da República se prepara o debate sobre a suspensão do modelo de avaliação de professores, em muitas escolas ele já está suspenso de facto, ao não ser programada a avaliação até 2011 como a lei previa. O fim anunciado do modelo levou à dilatação dos prazos ou ao simples incumprimento duma lei derrotada nas ruas e nas urnas.


“Não fazia nenhum sentido estar a fazê-lo, quando o mais provável é que este modelo não vá para a frente”, disse o director da Secundária do Restelo ao semanário Expresso. Em todo o país, são muita as escolas que decidiram não avançar mais nesta forma de avaliar os docentes introduzida por Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues. Das secundárias do Restelo e Pedro Nunes, em Lisboa, passando por Estremoz, Vila do Conde, Guarda, Quarteira e pelo agrupamento de escolas de Rio Tinto, por exemplo.

“Estou convencido que uma parte significativa das escolas não publicou o calendário da avaliação. É esse o feedback que tenho”, disse ao Expresso António Soares, membro do Conselho de Escolas. E mesmo as escolas que publicaram o calendário estão a dilatar todos os prazos para que na prática nada aconteça ao processo de avaliação até haver uma decisão política que materialize o recuo do governo e a derrota da linha seguida pela anterior ministra. Segundo dados recolhidos pela TSF, não confirmados nem desmentidos pelo Ministério da Educação, apenas metade do total de professores foi até agora avaliado segundo o modelo de Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues.

“Avaliámos os professores que tinham mesmo de ser – os contratados e os que podiam mudar de escalão. Em relação aos outros (a maioria), estamos a ir devagar porque a qualquer momento o processo pode vir a ser suspenso”, declarou ao Expresso o director da escola Miguel Torga, em Bragança.

A forma como as escolas tomaram em mãos o processo de avaliação depois de obrigadas a fazê-lo é diferente de local para local. Enquanto em Lisboa, a secundária Camões decidiu avaliar toda a gente, incluindo quem não tinha entregue os objectivos, noutros estabelecimentos de ensino foi dada a nota “Bom” a todos os professores, em sinal de contestação a este modelo.

Entretanto, a deputada Cecília Honório criticou o silêncio da nova ministra, “quando as escolas precisam de respostas hoje” e alerta para um negócio PS-CDS por baixo da mesa que pode completar “em glória” a “obra de Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues”, ao dar ao director um papel determinante em todo o processo.

“É preciso decência, o que exige um sistema de avaliação que credibilize o trabalho das escolas e dos professores, pensado para o maior desafio da escola pública: o direito de todos e todas ao sucesso com qualidade”, conclui a deputada bloquista no artigo de opinião publicado no

pandemias, paranóias e .. negócios

Ainda a gripe ‘suína‘ – uma análise (argentina) que me parece séria, bem documentada:

  • o que se esconde por detrás da mediatização da gripe?
  • quais os efeitos secundários do Tamiflu?
  • que relação com a gripe das aves, afinal uma montanha que que acabou por parir um rato .. ?
In O vento que passa


    Nibiru aproxima-se…

    Objecto distante de grandes dimensões encontrado por trás da órbita do Sol

    Objecto distante de grandes dimensões encontrado por trás da órbita do Sol

    Será Nibiru (a estrela negra dos Sumérios) que se aproxima?

    Em caso de dúvida veja o artigo na íntegra da prestigiada revista New Scientist:

    In Ancient Astronauts

    The Constellation  Eridanus

    Atmosphere shedding from a red cometFor years I have puzzled over the many anomalous and often intractable problems presented by Zecharia Sitchin’s Nibiru.  A planet that behaves like a comet did not seem to me likely to support life forms similar, if not identical, to us.  In 1999 I proposed that the only way that sufficient warmth could be generated among the comets would be if such life existed on a planet orbiting a Dark Star that was itself orbiting the Sun.

    For various reasons I suggested that the Dark Star was itself Nibiru, passing directly through the planetary solar system during perihelion with its own retinue of planets.  This was a bold claim, given the size of the brown dwarf required.

    But I now realise that I was wrong, for a number of technical reasons.

    I remain absolutely convinced that the Dark Star exists, and that it is a binary ‘star’ orbiting the Sun that approaches the planetary zone of the Sun every several thousand years.  But I now believe that this Dark Star is not itself Nibiru.  It is simply Nibiru’s own parent ‘star’.

    Orbit of the binary Dark StarThe solution I am proposing on this page brings me back towards Zecharia Sitchin’s own previous work.  I still add the Dark Star system to his paradigm, and I still require life to exist on a planet/moon closely orbiting that brown dwarf which I have written so much about.  But neither the Dark Star nor the Homeworld are ever seen from Earth.

    Their closest approach is way beyond Pluto, through the so-called Kuiper Gap, in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune.  The planet that is seen is Nibiru; the OUTERMOST planet of the Dark Star system.  And apart from it being unable to maintain life, Nibiru is essentially how Sitchin describes it; a reddish terrestrial planet that brightens with a cometary aura when moving amongst our Sun’s family of familiar planets.

    However, Nibiru is also inextricably linked to the Dark Star and, furthermore, DOES NOT APPEAR TO ORBIT THE SUN when viewed from Earth!

    This is a remarkably bizarre claim, I know.  But it is part of the problem posed by Sitchin’s Nibiru.  Indeed, it was the primary objection levelled at me by Dr John Murray, the English astronomer who wrote a paper providing indirect evidence of a brown dwarf orbiting the Sun.  He looked at the set of constellations that Nibiru passed through at perihelion and stated frankly that the body was simply not orbiting the Sun, therefore Sitchin’s theory was wrong.  At the time I put this down to possible misinterpretation of ancient texts.  Now I realise that this anomaly was actually part of the puzzle…Sitchin’s whacky orbit was right all along!


    Uma aventura


    Por Santana Castilho

    Com Isabel Alçada e este pano de fundo, espera-nos uma aventura de curvas à direita e contra-curvas à esquerda
    Aqui me têm como sou, dizendo aos que têm a generosidade de me ler o que me vai na alma. Não sou hipócrita nem cultivo falsos respeitos. Se vejo claro o que aí vem, por que insípida postura me iria escudar em convenientes benefícios de dúvida? Qual benefício para quem afirmou, com sorriso de leste a oeste, à espera dos aplausos da plateia, dar o seu “inteiro apoio à política educativa que tem vindo a ser seguida” e considerar “que é importante a prossecução e aprofundamento do trabalho que tem vindo a ser realizado”?
    Esta é a segunda referência escrita que faço à actual ministra da Educação. A anterior já me valeu três mimos: inconveniente, radical e extremista. Assim seja. Sou inconveniente para os dissimulados e radical para os que se especializaram em protelar. Aceito o extremismo. Mas mais extremistas que eu são os que atacaram extremamente os professores, a escola pública e o ensino sério. E esses vão continuar, enquanto não se lhes responder de forma extremamente resoluta.
    De Isabel Alçada conheciam-se meia centena de livros de fantasias para crianças. Mas nenhuma ideia expressa sobre Educação, para adulto ler. Hoje já temos três discursos políticos, bem recentes, e um quadro de comunicação não verbal, que só escapa aos incautos. Tudo visto, são discursos que revelaram uma organização de ideias confrangedora, recheados dos clichés repetidos ad nauseam durante os últimos quatro anos, medíocres do ponto de vista da semântica e da construção frásica, onde os erros de concordância surpreendem.
    Ficou-lhe mal elogiar tanto o seu Plano Nacional de Leitura. Esse e o da Matemática. Os planos nacionais são expedientes a que se recorre quando as primeiras instâncias falham e não se sabe corrigir o que está mal. Custam muito dinheiro, jogado em cima do que já existe para obter os mesmos resultados. No caso da leitura, o plano sucedeu a anos a menosprezar o ensino do Português, a substituir os clássicos por panfletos de cordel e a tornar a gramática para crianças numa charada de linguistas. No que toca à Matemática, entregou-se a concepção e a execução do plano aos que tinham sido apontados como responsáveis pela situação que o mesmo se propunha corrigir. Sem mais! Esta é a sinopse do verdadeiro contexto de elogios ocos.
    Ficou-lhe mal dizer que o Magalhães e o plano tecnológico nos tinham colocado na primeira linha do desenvolvimento. São tiques de deslumbramento terceiro-mundista, sem credibilidade, que minam o desejável recato de qualquer começo. Ficou-lhe mal a alusão encomiástica às novas oportunidades e ao ensino profissional. Os professores sabem que, descontadas poucas situações de funcionamento sério, uma e outra iniciativa são farsas e manipulações grosseiras das pessoas e das instituições. Ficou-lhe muito mal a protecção que deu à clausura das crianças na escola, de sol a sol, e a cobertura que não regateou à moderna escravização administrativa dos docentes. Foi-lhe desfavorável a versão, inverosímil, segundo a qual o convite e a aceitação surgiram momentos após a sua declaração pública em contrário e escassas horas antes do anúncio oficial. Aceitaram os que acreditam no Pai Natal. Numa palavra, fez o suficiente para que nenhum professor prudente acredite nela. Para início e em tão pouco tempo, pior seria difícil.
    Não espanta que Isabel Alçada seja ministra sem anteriormente ter sentido necessidade de dizer o que pensa do sistema educativo. Sócrates pensará por ela. Lurdes Rodrigues já pensou por ela. Aliás, no fim da cerimónia de remodelação governamental, a agora ex-ministra foi profética quando sublinhou, repetidas vezes, com o cinismo que a caracteriza, a sua muita confiança no novo Governo. Os mais atentos sabem que tem razão, porque Isabel Alçada não tem identidade política. Melosa e sorridente, foi alistada para continuar a contar histórias, agora aos professores. Da política tratará Sócrates, Silva Pereira, Santos Silva e Francisco Assis.
    Fala-se muito no poder da Assembleia da República para corrigir os erros de política educativa da anterior legislatura. Mas desvaloriza-se, nessa fé, a circunstância de Sócrates não os reconhecer. Desvaloriza-se, nessa compreensível ânsia de sacudir um jugo de quatro anos, que uma coisa é a cavalgada fácil do descontentamento generalizado, para colher votos, outra é entender a importância estratégica da Educação. Como tal, a realidade mostra que os partidos, todos os partidos, a ignoram.
    Imediatamente após ter sido indigitado primeiro-ministro, Sócrates assumiu, para espanto dos sensatos, que tanto lhe dava uma coligação com o PSD, como com o PCP, CDS ou BE. Revelou assim, sem delongas, a ideologia do PS que lidera e a manhosice que porá na navegação táctica que se segue. Na peugada, aliás, recordo-o para os de memória curta, de Soares e Guterres: o primeiro meteu rapidamente o socialismo na gaveta, para governar com o CDS; o segundo trocou sem rebuços a coerência política por umas fatias de queijo Limiano.
    Com este pano de fundo, espera-nos uma aventura de curvas à direita e contra-curvas à esquerda. No primeiro cruzamento, podemos ser surpreendidos por um paradoxo: para suspender tacticamente um modelo de desempenho que já não existe, reforçaremos estrategicamente um poder que se instala sob a nossa ingenuidade. Não me entendem? Estejam atentos aos próximos capítulos!

    Professor do ensino superior, s.castilho@netcabo

    Obama’s H1N1 Swine Flu National Emergency Evidences Vaccine “Market-Building” for Mass Murder


    by Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane

    Los Angeles–President Obama’s declared H1N1 emergency cannot be reconciled by either vaccine shortages or flu cases; only by medical “market-building,” vaccination intoxications, and mass murder for population reduction says common sense and mounting evidence.

    Over the weekend, initial reports from Reuters News Service and Fox News stated that the President’s declaration was intended to prepare the country in case of “a rapid increase in illness that may overburden health care resources.” The media quoted an unidentified administration official saying, “It’s important to note that this is a proactive measure — not a response to a new development.” This action was “similar to disaster declarations issued before hurricanes hit coastal areas,” Reuters reported.

    Why would the Obama administration anticipate an H1N1 “hurricane” to hit when Purdue researchers concluded last week the epidemic was expected to peak this week? In fact, too soon for vaccines to be helpful.

    Thus, most people getting vaccinated now risk side effects for NOTHING–no benefit what-so-ever!

    Furthermore, CBS News determined last week the CDC’s reported H1N1 cases had been overblown up to 97 percent. Only about 1,000 people have died of H1N1 since April’s Mexican outbreak. That is merely 1/18th, or less than 6%, of expected deaths from a normal seasonal flu during the same time period.

    It is highly suspicious that David A. Paterson, New York State’s Governor, suddenly suspended “mandatory” H1N1 shots for health professionals citing vaccine shortages, not litigation exposures, as cause for the policy change.

    Neglecting notice that more than 60 percent of nurses in New York State refused to take the H1N1 vaccines according to polls, and unions had filed lawsuits against New York and Washington State to gain injunctions against mandated injections, Paterson’s yellow press blamed “limited vaccine supplies” as reason to inject pregnant women and children exclusively. Only two weeks earlier, New York State officials posted their first priority, “as established by the CDC,” to vaccinate health care workers and emergency medical services personnel.

    Oddly, all this talk about sudden vaccine shortages being the cause of a federal emergency grossly contradicts what many health officials were saying merely three weeks ago. United Press International (UPI) reported, for instance, Dr. Judy Monroe, Indiana’s state health commissioner, said that an ample supply of the vaccine would be available for everyone by mid-October. Now, suddenly, there is an alleged shortage that compels mixed messages and general confusion.

    “Shortage Marketing” Disease and Death

    “This is called “shortage marketing,” Dr. Leonard Horowitz explains. “It is an increasing trend in the industrial world to get consumers to purchase products that are unappealing,  over-inventoried, or scarce.”

    For weeks preceding Obama’s declaration of national emergency polls showed the vast majority of Americans, including health care workers, rejecting the seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccines. So with stockpiles high, despite allegations of manufacturing delays, the government’s promotions and policy changes simply reflect “shortage marketing.”

    But this is a “superficial concern” according to Dr. Horowitz, who references neurobehavioral and neurocognitive disorders demonstrated in vaccine recipients who were normal before getting vaccinated. He credits the brilliant work of Andrew Moulden, MD, PhD, photographically detailing tremendous physical damage occurring following vaccinations. These previously unknown and unseen subtle changes in nerve function and physical appearance is now demonstrated in pictures by Dr. Moulden that are irrefutable in courts and the scientific world.

    Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained expert in behavioral science, media persuasion and public health education, has spent 20 years documenting drug industrialists’ and health officials’  criminal actions.

    “The only way to reconcile President Obama’s declaration of emergency, given the increasing risks of vaccine injuries, post-peak diminishing risks of H1N1, and the anticipated public health nightmare caused by live viruses “shedding” from those vaccinated to unvaccinated persons, is to follow the flow of money,” Dr. Horowitz says. “In the process of shedding vaccination H1N1, the highly unstable shed virus is expected to pick up more lethal genes from other circulating viruses, including possibly H5N1 that kills nearly 60 percent of those infected.”

    Dr. Horowitz notes that authorities have been mum on the triple recombinant H1N1 produced in labs for use in the “active” vaccine. Experts know this is highly unstable, because it is a man-made laboratory creation that did not evolve naturally over the millennia. This unstable mutant more readily recombines with other circulating viruses when it is shed for up to 3 weeks, thus exposing non-vaccinated people who are infected with other viruses.

    This is the best explanation for Obama’s anticipated “hurricane,” explains Dr. Horowitz, who criticizes the mainstream media for completely neglecting this greatest risk while falsely reporting vaccine “shortages.” Something else is obviously happening behind the scenes that only seasoned investigators can discern, he says.

    He diagnoses the alleged vaccine shortage as a profitable ploy used by those “who have outrageously obvious connections to the Population Council, the preeminent organization directing global depopulation, as encouraged by Obama’s science czar, John Holdren.

    Dr. Holdren is the co-author of the 1977 book, Ecoscience, which calls for massive global depopulation using sterilizing vaccinations.

    Dr. Horowitz points to the fact that Nonoxynol-9, a spermicidal drug causing spontaneous abortions in pregnant women, and birth defects in infants, is one of the many new “adjuvants” banned in the United States, but used by the American-based Baxter Company in their H1N1 flu vaccines stockpiled by European nations.

    (Click on photo to view Part 1 of 3 YouTube segments that you should share with others!)

    Outrageous Conflicting Interests

    Dr. Horowitz also suggests discerning conflicting interests between vaccine makers and the news sources that break the federal government’s announcements, in this case Reuters and FOX news.

    Reuters is directed by Thomas H. Glocer, a Merck & Co. director making money from H1N1 vaccine sales through Merck’s subsidiary, CSL, Inc. Merck also sells Pneumovax, a vaccine suggested for use at the time influenza vaccines are given, yet contraindicated in people with active influenza infections.*

    A “live” H1N1 vaccine infects those vaccinated with “active” viruses. Thus, Merck’s suggested Pneumovax usage is contraindicated according to their own package insert!

    If that’s not bad enough, CSL, Inc. did its H1N1 vaccine safety testing on pregnant women, infants, and children at facilities financed by Rupert Murdoch and his family–the Royal Victoria Women’s Hospital directed by Elisabeth Murdoch, and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute overseen by Rupert’s daughter-in-law Susan Murdoch. So much for FOX News’s impartiality.

    The Wall Street Journal that announced “New York Ends Flu Shot Mandate for Health Care Workers” on October 23rd,  is disqualified by way of its links to Merck also. . . . WSJ CEO Councilman, David Brennan, directs the AstraZeneca’s Flumist manufacturer, Medimmune, Inc. AstraZeneca drafted Brennan from Merck & Company, and appointed him CEO in 2006.

    This pattern of gross conflicting interests, and coordinated multi-media genocidal counterintelligence, expands with reading Thomas Glocer’s article wherein Reuters plugs “an experimental new drug called peramivir, made by Biocryst Pharmaceuticals Inc.”**

    Peramivir is produced by Jon P. Stonehouse’s BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. President and Chief Executive Officer, Stonehouse recently served as Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at (surprise, surprise) Merck. At Merck, Stonehouse was responsible for “leading strategic developments . . . [that] significantly changed the company,” according to BioCryst’s website.

    The Partnership for New York City and Council for Depopulation

    It is obvious that our H1N1 “intelligence” is being gathered and broadcast from the highest levels of the medical-media’s mafia. As previously reported in Dr. Horowitz’s “AFFIDAVIT,” submitted to the FBI earlier this month, and filed last week in a lawsuit against federal officials in Washington State, David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdoch, Thomas Glocer, and other media moguls are partnered in the world’s most powerful drug ring and biotechnology consortium. Its members include the government of New York State as well as the US Federal Government. Proof of these facts are available for inspection online at The Partnership for New York City (PFNYC). The site provides its members list and related pharmaceutical industry activities.

    The Founder of PFNYC, David Rockefeller, wields tremendous influence over many of the foundations and institutions that direct the US Federal Government’s policies and practices. American “health care reform” is currently directed, on behalf of the Democratic party, by Sen. Jay Rockefeller.

    The Rockefeller Brothers Fund granted millions of dollars to the Population Council of the City of New York during its formative years. Rockefeller family members founded this Population Council, according to The Rockefeller Archive Center. The organization currently advances globally as the world’s premier depopulation advocacy group. The US Federal Government and private institutions fund the Population Council at this time.

    Summary and Conclusion

    “Biopreparedness” for the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu is all about mind manipulation and vaccination for population reduction.

    In the past week, the swine flu situation went from near ending to causing a “National Emergency.” People, aware of the dangers of H1N1 vaccinations, opted out and gained precedent-setting federal court prohibitions on mandatory vaccinations.  CBS declared the numbers of H1N1 cases fraudulently overstated by the CDC, and additional lawsuits were filed exposing State and Federal officials for genocidal malfeasance.

    Rather than admitting disgrace, government spin doctors integrated vaccine “shortage marketing” as a distraction for public consumption. New York State Health Commissioner, Richard F. Daines, who said only a week ago that health workers must be vaccinated for the seasonal flu and the H1N1 virus, or risk discipline, said that scarce vaccines would be given exclusively to pregnant women and children.

    Ironically, US Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, pledged 10 percent of vaccines would be donated to other countries.

    All of this preceded Barack Obama’s declaration of “National Emergency,” thus, exercising Executive power to implement The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act affecting most of the 50 States.

    Obviously, none of this makes much sense unless you examine the fundamental and overriding intoxication and depopulation agendas, and what the media moguls know that few commoners learn: the H1N1 vaccines contain “live” viruses that are highly unstable. As laboratory “reverse engineered” genetically spliced germs, they are expected to recombine with more deadly viruses, possibly H5N1, by January, 2010.  These new strains, circulating the globe, are projected to kill nearly 3 billion people. This Lex Lutheresque evil is obviously orchestrated by David Rockefeller’s family and friends that control vaccine manufacturing, “health care reform,” mass media persuasion, and global depopulation industries.

    Like it or not, you are advised to prepare for the worst.

    -end –

    *Thus, “live” H1N1 vaccinated viruses causing influenza-like symptoms in people simultaneously injected with Pneumovax is arguably medical malpractice.

    **This article came out the same day as the Wall Street Journal article, synchronous with Obama’s emergency declaration, on Friday, Oct. 23rd. Then the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization for peramivir encouraging intravenous used in patients who cannot take pills, Tamiflu, or Relenza.

    NOTE TO JOURNALISTS: Dr. Horowitz is asking why silver hydrosols are being completely neglected by mainstream media when these simple revolutionary mineral waters safely and effectively terminate infectious diseases caused by pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. He invites everyone to research OxySilver for its proven benefits online at

    Investigative journalist and co-author, Sherri Kane, is working with Dr. Horowitz to advance Healthy World Organization (HWO), a natural alternative to David Rockefeller et. al.’s, World Health Organization. Information about HWO is available at:

    To prepare for serious flus, see Dr. Horowitz’s comprehensive website Herein he endorses natural alternatives to vaccines including vitamin C and vitamin D. See his “FLU To Dos” page.

    Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane have co-authored a terrific newsletter to wake people up about what is really happening with H1N1 2009 Swine Flu. Download that pdf file for free from, take it to your local printer, and distribute these newsletters throughout your community.

    More HERE