More deaths from the “swine flu” vaccine – Swedish media no longer reports them

Swedish media cover up reports on more deaths from the vaccine.

The reports of serious side effects including five deaths was openly reported in Swedish media, even if it never received any prominent place in the daily propaganda wave. After the five first deaths, it became completely silent regarding side effects – suspiciously silent.

Now reports of dead and severely injured instead spread from bloggers and other private people who feel the need to warn their fellow citizens.

One blogger posted this yesterday:

I just received this e-mail from a close collegue of mine!

Hello Zarah, I hope all is well with you : )

I know you have been working for informing about the vaccine and its contents. I spoke yesterday with a friend who was completely devastated. A friend of hers had been getting the vaccine (she was pregnant) and she fell seriously ill shortly thereafter. It became so bad that her heart stopped and she died. It is not proven it was the vaccine, but obviously suspected of course, since she fell ill so quickly after the vaccination. Another friend of mine was vaccinated the same day, she is also pregnant. That woman was yesterday in the hospital with severe bleeding. Also that shortly after the vaccination. Scary stuff this.

If this story is true, it confirms information we have received that authorities and media in Sweden no longer reports on several more deaths that has occured the last days.

Here is another story from a Swedish reader:

My sister-in-law took the vaccine a week ago, right after she became severely ill, she is 5 mo pregnant, amnoic fluid started leaking, she is currently in the hospital since a week back. She has to stay there and lay still (to prevent miscarriage I assume?- my comment)

Original article


Young Norwegian woman dies after getting the “swine flu” vaccine.

The Norwegian news paper VG reports that a woman in her twenties died just three days after receiving the “swine flu” shot. Of course they also report that she had a “underlying hart disease” which more than likely will be blamed for her death. This is a pattern that by now is clearly recognizable. This comment from one of our readers sums it up well: “Funny how when someone dies of swineflu with a pre-existing condition they died from swineflu – no question. And if someone dies from the vaccine with a pre-existing condition they died from the pre-existing condition – no question.”

So far, about 300 000 people in Norway have been and over 500 000 doses of the poisonous Pandemrix “swine flu” vaccine has been distributed in Norway.

Original article

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