Há cem mil anos a despensa dos humanos já teria cereais

Descoberta feita numa gruta em Moçambique relevou que a nossa espécie terá começado a ingerir cereais, e a aproveitar o seu amido energético, há bastante mais tempo do que se supunha. Alguns arqueólogos não estão, no entanto, totalmente convencidos.

Esta é apresentada como a prova directa mais antiga do consumo dos cereais pelos humanos modernos

O advento da agricultura era então algo ainda longínquo e os humanos da nossa espécie, Homo sapiens sapiens, baseavam a sua alimentação na caça e na recolha dos frutos, nozes e raízes que encontravam. Os cereais, pelo menos tanto quanto as descobertas arqueológicas permitiam dizer, iriam ainda manter-se arredados milhares de anos da despensa dos seres humanos. Afinal, pode não ser bem assim: vestígios de sorgo encontrados numa gruta em Moçambique revelaram que há cem mil anos já comíamos cereais.

Em 2007, o arqueólogo Julio Mercader, da Universidade de Calgary (Canadá), esteve a escavar na gruta de Ngalue, no Noroeste do país, com colegas moçambicanos da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, em Maputo. Ao fim de um corredor com 20 metros de comprimento, a gruta desemboca numa câmara escura, com 50 metros quadrados e um tecto a oito metros de altura, que foi habitada de forma intermitente, ao longo de mais de 60 mil anos, por caçadores-recolectores.

Bem no interior da gruta, encontraram-se diversos tipos de ferramentas de pedra, ossos de animais e restos de plantas, depositados em camadas de sedimentos com 42 mil a 105 mil anos. Ora nas camadas com mais de cem mil anos o arqueólogo deparou-se com ferramentas que apresentavam vestígios de amido, oriundo principalmente de sorgo selvagem (quase 90 por cento dos restos de amido provinham deste cereal), segundo revela Mercader num artigo científico que publicou na revista Science. Outros vestígios de amido detectados provinham da palmeira-africana (que dá vinho), da batata-africana ou da bananeira-da-abissínia.

Início da agricultura

Qual a importância da descoberta relativa ao sorgo? É apresentada como a prova directa mais antiga do consumo dos cereais pelos humanos modernos, como se chama também à nossa espécie, surgida há cerca de 200 mil anos.

Até há pouco tempo, pensava-se que os humanos só começaram a comer grandes quantidades de cereais com a domesticação das plantas há dez mil anos – ou seja, com o aparecimento da agricultura. Esta ideia foi abalada em 2004, quando uma equipa de cientistas disse ter descoberto vestígios de trigo e cevada numa ferramenta de pedra com 23 mil anos, encontrada em Israel. O artigo de Mercader na Science veio portanto revelar que começámos a comer cereais cerca de 80 mil anos mais cedo do que se supunha até agora.

Pensava-se que os cereais teriam entrado tardiamente na alimentação humana por uma simples razão: como não é fácil torná-los saborosos, têm de ser transformados em farinha e cozidos em pão ou papas. Além do dispêndio de energia, isso é tecnologicamente difícil, pelo que se pensou que só bastante tarde os humanos começaram a tirar proveito do seu conteúdo em amido, como uma reserva energética. Hoje, o sorgo é o principal cereal consumido na África subsariana, onde a sua farinha até é fermentada em bebidas alcoólicas.

“Isto alarga a cronologia do uso de cereais pela nossa espécie e prova a existência de uma dieta sofisticada mais cedo do que pensávamos. Aconteceu numa altura em que, convencionalmente, se considerava a recolha de grãos selvagens como uma actividade irrelevante e não tão importante como a da apanha de raízes, frutas e nozes”, sublinhou Mercader, citado numa nota da sua universidade.

Passo na evolução humana

“Tem-se colocado a hipótese de que o amido representa um passo crítico na evolução humana, ao melhorar a qualidade da dieta humana na savana africana e nas terras húmidas, onde evoluíram os humanos modernos. Isto pode ser considerado um dos exemplos mais precoces desta transformação na dieta”, acrescenta o arqueólogo. “A inclusão de cereais na nossa dieta é um importante passo na evolução humana por causa da sua complexidade técnica e da manipulação culinária que exige para transformar os grãos em bens de consumo.”

Nem toda a gente concorda com a interpretação de Mercader. Por exemplo, o arqueólogo Curtis Marean, da Universidade Estadual do Arizona, considera que os cereais podem ter sido utilizados em muitas coisas, como servir de cama, segundo declarações suas numa notícia tambémda Science: “O custo do processamento dos cereais selvagens é muito elevado. Além disso, a maioria dos ambientes africanos tem uma diversidade de alimentos mais produtivos para os caçadores-recolectores.”

Na mesma linha crítica, Huw Barton, da Universidade de Leicester, no Reino Unido, diz que os resíduos de sorgo estão em ferramentas que não eram utilizadas no processamento de cereais. “Isto não tem qualquer sentido para mim”, comenta.

A tudo isto, Mercader responde: “Por que é que alguém iria levar sorgo para uma gruta, a não ser que estivesse a fazer alguma coisa com ele? A explicação mais simples é a de que era um bem alimentar.”

Seja qual for a interpretação mais próxima da realidade, o certo é que a descoberta na gruta de Ngalue lançou o debate sobre o que guardavam os primeiros Homo sapiens sapiens nas suas despensas.

In Publico

Ancient American Cosmology

Ancient Skywatchers (and Domed Worlds like the Ancient Hebrews’ Biblical Cosmos)
Based on an excerpt from National Geographic, March 1990, Ancient Skywatchers
Art and text revised for web by Sharon Mooney

Pre-Columbian Americans left no definitive charts of the universe. Clues are in the iconography, ethnology and archaeology guided the reconstructions. For each of these cultures, the universe was encompassed by the sky, earth and an underworld. Each viewed celestial bodies as living beings that influenced man and could be affected by them. Each held the belief people came from the earth and dwelled in the center of the universe.

Mayan Cosmos

Mayan Cosmos

The universe of the Maya were centered on a tiered pyramid, and rest upon a crocodillian cosmic sea. Each quarter of the earth was associated with color, and the center of the earth was a “fifth direction”. Four sacred beings supported the dome of heaven, illustrated as a two-headed dragon, which had a body as a sky band of celestial symbols. It is arched over the moon goddess, who is holding the rabbit discerned in the moon’s face, and a skeletal Venus, and the sun god. Pleides, is a star cluster and a rattlesnake tail. Creation of both sun and probably the planet Venus was explained with a legend of Hero twins who vied with the Lords of Death during a series of ball games. The victorious twins became these celestial bodies.

Navajo Cosmos

Navajo Cosmos

The Navajo Cosmos was portrayed as a sand painting, the world view of Diné– “the people,” as Navajo referred to themselves, centering on the family hogan. The first hogan was built in the place the ancestors emerged, and travelled through three previous words before arising from a hollow reed into this “glittering” place. The four quarters of the world is characterized with color, holy mountain, time of day, and a sacred person. The rainbow god is a guardian, and the sky sparkles with constellations (the Milky Way) symbolized by a band of crosses. Young warriors carry the blue sun and white moon. Beyond the sky is a land in which the Big Wind (yellow) and Big Thunder rule.

Inca Cosmos

Incan Cosmos

The king of the Inca believed he was the son of the sun, and the cosmos was centered on the Sun Temple at Cuzco, Peru. In one origin myth the Inca people came from three caves; in another myth they arose from Lake Titicaca. The straight red lines are ceques, symbolizing connections to sacred places. The major ceques formed borders of the four-quarted Inca world. The Milky Way blended into the underworld and brought dark, fertile mud to the sky upon its return, which formed patches that resemble animals, like the snake (at top) toad, tinamou bird, mother and baby llama, fox and a second tinamou. The sun is portrayed as a male god, and the moon as a female.

Original paintings by Ken Dallison, Principal Consultants; Original Article by John B. Carlson, Center for Archaeoastronomy (Maya); Trudy Griffen-Pierce, University of Arizona (Navajo); Gary Urton, Colgate University (Inca).

Public access images and Permalink. Images may be used, on condition all original credits remain intact.

The Cloud Mystery

Climate change and global warming caused by CO2 – or? Watch these videos and judge for yourself..

Henrik Svensmark (born 1958) is a physicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen who studies the effects of cosmic rays on cloud formation. His work presents hypotheses about solar activity as an indirect cause of global warming; his research has suggested a possible link through the interaction of the solar wind and cosmic rays. His conclusions have been controversial as the prevailing scientific opinion on climate change considers solar activity unlikely to be a major contributor to recent warming, though it is thought to be the primary driver of many earlier changes in climate.


Henrik Svensmark is director of the Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI), a part of the Danish National Space Center. He previously headed the sun-climate group at DSRI. He held postdoctoral positions in physics at three other organizations: University of California, Berkeley, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, and the Niels Bohr Institute.[1] Svensmark uses a pacemaker because of a heart-condition. [2]

In 1997, Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen popularised a theory that linked galactic cosmic rays and global climate change mediated primarily by variations in the intensity of the solar wind, which they have termed cosmoclimatology. This theory had earlier been reviewed by Dickinson.[3] One of the small-scale processes related to this link was studied in a laboratory experiment performed at the Danish National Space Center (paper published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A, February 8, 2007).

Svensmark’s research downplays the significance to which atmospheric CO2 has affected recent global warming.

Cosmoclimatology theory of climate change

Svensmark detailed his theory of cosmoclimatology in a paper published in 2007.[4] The Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish National Space Institute “investigates the connection between solar activity and climatic changes on Earth”.[5][6] Its homepage lists several publications earlier works related to cosmoclimatology.[7][8]

Svensmark and Nigel Calder published a book The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change (2007) describing the Cosmoclimatology theory that cosmic rays “have more effect on the climate than manmade CO2“:

“During the last 100 years cosmic rays became scarcer because unusually vigorous action by the Sun batted away many of them. Fewer cosmic rays meant fewer clouds—and a warmer world.[9]

The book has been criticised by Gavin Schmidt[10]. A documentary film on Svensmark’s theory, The Cloud Mystery, was produced by Lars Oxfeldt Mortensen[11] and premiered in January 2008 on Danish TV 2.

Experimental verification

Preliminary experimental verification has been conducted in the SKY Experiment at the Danish National Space Science Center. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, is preparing comprehensive verification in the CLOUD Project.

SKY Experiment

Svensmark conducted proof of concept experiments in the SKY Experiment at the Danish National Space Institute.[12]

To investigate the role of cosmic rays in cloud formation low in the Earth’s atmosphere, the SKY experiment used natural muons (heavy electrons) that can penetrate even to the basement of the National Space Institute in Copenhagen. The hypothesis, verified by the experiment, is that electrons released in the air by the passing muons promote the formation of molecular clusters that are building blocks for cloud condensation nuclei.

CLOUD Project Experiments

See main article CLOUD

Scientists are preparing detailed atmospheric physics experiments to test Svensmark’s thesis, building on the Danish findings. CERN started a multi-phase project in 2006, including rerunning the Danish experiment. CERN plans to use an accelerator rather than rely on natural cosmic rays. CERN’s multinational project will give scientists a permanent facility where they can study the effects of both cosmic rays and charged particles in the Earth’s atmosphere.[13] CERN’s project is named CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets).[14] CERN posted a 2008 progress report on the CLOUD project.[15]

Debate and controversy

Galactic Cosmic Rays vs Global Temperature

Mike Lockwood of the UK’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Claus Froehlich of the World Radiation Center in Switzerland published a paper in 2007 which concluded that the increase in mean global temperature observed since 1985 correlates so poorly with solar variability that no type of causal mechanism may be ascribed to it, although they accept that there is “considerable evidence” for solar influence on Earth’s pre-industrial climate and to some degree also for climate changes in the first half of the 20th century.[16]

Svensmark’s coauthor Calder responded to the study in an interview with LondonBookReview.com, where he put forth the counterclaim that global temperature has not risen since 1999.[17]

Later in 2007, Svensmark and Friis-Christensen brought out a Reply to Lockwood and Fröhlich which concludes that surface air temperature records used by Lockwood and Fröhlich apparently are a poor guide to Sun-driven physical processes, but tropospheric air temperature records do show an impressive negative correlation between cosmic-ray flux and air temperatures up to 2006 if a warming trend, oceanic oscillations and volcanism are removed from the temperature data. They also point out that Lockwood and Fröhlich present their data by using running means of around 10 years, which creates the illusion of a continued temperature rise, whereas all unsmoothed data point to a flattening of the temperature, coincident with the present maxing out of the magnetic activity of the Sun, and which the continued rapid increase in CO2 concentrations seemingly has been unable to overrule. This reply has so far not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

An early (2003) rebuttal of Svensmark’s theory reanalyzed Svensmark’s data and suggested that it does not support a correlation between cosmic rays and global temperature changes; it also disputes some of the theoretical bases for the theory.[18]

Galactic Cosmic Rays vs Cloud Cover

In April 2008, Professor Terry Sloan of Lancaster University published a paper in the journal Environmental Research Letters titled “Testing the proposed causal link between cosmic rays and cloud cover”,[19] which found no significant link between cloud cover and cosmic ray intensity in the last 20 years. Svensmark responded by saying “Terry Sloan has simply failed to understand how cosmic rays work on clouds”.[20] Dr. Giles Harrison of Reading University, describes the work as important “as it provides an upper limit on the cosmic ray-cloud effect in global satellite cloud data”. Harrison studied the effect of cosmic rays in the UK.[21] He states: “Although the statistically significant non-linear cosmic ray effect is small, it will have a considerably larger aggregate effect on longer timescale (e.g. century) climate variations when day-to-day variability averages out”. Brian H. Brown (2008) of Sheffield University further found a statistically significant (p<0.05) short term 3% association between Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) and low level clouds over 22 years with a 15 hour delay. Long-term changes in cloud cover (> 3 months)and GCR gave correlations of p=0.06.[22]

A Queda da República (Fall of the Rep*blic) 9-15

A história surpreendente atrás do embuste do aquecimento global

Um texto publicado em Janeiro de 2009 no site OSMOOTHIE alertava para a manipulação climatérica, para o embuste do CO2 como principal poluente da atmosfera e causado do efeito de estufa:
Publicado janeiro em 29, 2009

KUSI, “a história surpreendente atrás do embuste do aquecimento global
por John Coleman

Todos os actores importantes estão agora no lugar em Washington e nos governos estatais através de América para etiquetar oficialmente o dióxido de carbono como um poluente e para decretar as leis que nos taxam cidadãos para nossas pegadas do carbono. Somente dois detalhes estão na maneira, nos tempos económicos esmorecidos e em uma volta dramática para um clima mais frio. Os últimos dois Invernos amargos têm conduzir a uma ascensão na consciência pública que o CO2 não é um poluente e não é um gás de estufa significativo que esteja provocando o aquecimento global do fugitivo.

Como nós chegamos a este ponto onde a ciência má está conduzindo o governo ?

A história começa com um Oceanographer nomeado Roger Revelle. Seriu com a marinha na segunda guerra mundial. Depois que a guerra ele assentou bem no director do instituto Oceanographic de Scripps em La Jolla em San Diego, Califórnia. Revelle viu a oportunidade de obter o financiamento principal da marinha para fazer medidas e pesquisa sobre o oceano em torno dos Atolls pacíficos onde as forças armadas dos E.U. conduziam testes da bomba atómica. Expandiu extremamente as áreas do instituto de interesse e entre outro empregou Hans Suess, um químico notável da Universidade de Chicago, que estava muito interessada nos traços de carbono no ambiente do burning de combustíveis fósseis. Revelle etiquetou sobre aos estudos de Suess e co-autorizou um estudo em 1957. O papel levanta a possibilidade que o dióxido de carbono pôde criar um efeito de estufa e causar o aquecimento atmosférico. Parece ser um argumento para financiar para mais estudos. Financiar, sincera, é onde a mente de Revelle estava na maioria das vezes.

Revelle seguinte empregou um Geochemist nomeado David Keeling para planear uma maneira de medir o índice atmosférico do dióxido de carbono. Em Keeling 1960 publicado seu primeiro papel que mostra o aumento no dióxido de carbono na atmosfera e que liga o aumento à queima de combustíveis fósseis.

Estes dois artigos de investigação transformaram-se a terra firme da ciência do aquecimento global, mesmo que não oferecessem nenhuma prova que o dióxido de carbono era de facto um gás de estufa. Além não explicaram como este gás de traço, simplesmente uma fração minúscula da atmosfera, poderia ter todo o impacto significativo em temperaturas.

Deixe-me agora tomá-lo de volta aos anos 50 em que isto estava indo sobre. Nossas cidades entrapped em um nuvem da poluição motor a combustão interna crus que carros pstos e caminhões para trás então e das emissões descontroladas das centrais energéticas e das fábricas. Os carros e as fábricas e as centrais energéticas enchiam o ar com todas as sortes dos poluentes. Havia um válido e a preocupação séria sobre as consequências da saúde desta poluição e de um movimento ambiental forte estava tornando-se para exigir a ação. O governo aceitou este desafio e os padrões ambientais novos foram ajustados. Os cientistas e os coordenadores vieram ao salvamento. Os novos combustíveis reformulados  foram desenvolvidos para carros, como eram os motores altas tecnologia, controlados por computador novos e os conversores catalíticos. Em o meio dos anos 70 os carros eram já não poluidores do máximo, emitindo-se somente alguns dióxido de carbono e vapor de água de suas tubulações de cauda. Do mesmo modo, o processamento novo do combustível e os purificadores da pilha de fumo foram adicionados a industrial e as centrais energéticas e suas emissões foram reduzidas extremamente, também.

Mas um movimento ambiental tinha sido estabelecido e seu financiamento e muito existência dependeu de ter uma edição de continuação da crise. Assim os artigos de investigação de Scripps vieram apenas no momento direito. E, com eles veio o nascimento de uma edição; aquecimento global sintético do dióxido de carbono da queima de combustíveis fósseis.

Revelle e Keeling usaram esta alarmismo nova para manter seu crescimento do financiamento. Outros investigadores com motivações ambientais e uma fome para o financiamento viram este tornar-se e escalaram-no a bordo também. As concessões de pesquisa começaram a fluir e a hipótese alarmista começou a aparecer em toda parte.

A curva de Keeling mostrou uma ascensão constante no CO2 na atmosfera durante o período desde que o óleo e o carvão foram descobertos e usados pelo homem. Até à data de hoje, o dióxido de carbono aumentou de 215 a 385 porções por milhão. Mas, apesar dos aumentos, é ainda somente um gás de traço na atmosfera. Quando o aumento for real, a percentagem da atmosfera que é CO2 permanece minúscula, aproximadamente .41 centésimo de um por cento.

Diverso a hipótese emergiu nos anos 70 e no 80s sobre como este componente atmosférico minúsculo do CO2 pôde causar um aquecimento significativo. Mas permaneceram não demonstrados. Os anos passaram e os cientistas mantiveram-se alcangar para fora para a evidência do aquecimento e da prova de suas teorias. E, o dinheiro e as reivindicações ambientais manteve-se na acumulação.

Para trás nos anos 60, esta pesquisa do aquecimento global veio à atenção de um Maurício nomeado de nação unida carregada burocrata canadense forte. Procurava edições que poderia se usar para cumprir seu sonho do governo do um-mundo. Forte organizou um evento do dia de terra do mundo em Estocolmo, Sweden em 1970. Disto desenvolveu um comité dos cientistas, dos ecólogos e de eficiente políticos do UN para continuar uma série de reunião.

Forte desenvolveu o conceito que o UN poderia exigir pagamentos das nações avançadas para o dano climático de seu burning de combustíveis fósseis beneficiar as nações subdesenvolvidas, uma sorte do imposto do CO2 que fosse o financiamento para seu governo do um-mundo. Mas, ele necessário mais prova científica suportar sua tese preliminar. Tão forte patrocinou o estabelecimento do painel intergovernamental de nação unida na mudança de clima. Esta não era uma organização científica do estudo puro do clima, como nós fomos conduzimos para acreditar. Era uma organização dos burocratas do UN do governo do um-mundo, dos activistas ambientais e dos cientistas da ecologia que imploraram o financiamento do UN assim que poderiam produzir a ciência eles necessários para parar a queima de combustíveis fósseis. Durante os últimos 25 anos foram muito eficazes. As centenas de papéis científicos, de quatro reuniões internacionais principais e de resmas de notícias sobre o Armageddon climático mais tarde, o UN IPCC fizeram seus pontos à satisfação da maioria e compartilharam mesmo de um prémio de paz de Nobel com Al Gore.

Ao mesmo tempo, esse Maurício Strong era ocupado no UN, coisas começ um bocado fora da mão para o homem que é chamado agora o avô do aquecimento global, Roger Revelle. Tinha sido muito polìtica active nos anos 50 atrasados porque trabalhou para mandar a Universidade do Califórnia encontrar um terreno de San Diego junto ao instituto de Scripps em La Jolla. Ganhou essa guerra principal, mas perdeu uma batalha da mais alta importância mais tarde quando foi passado sobre na selecção do primeiro chanceler do terreno novo.

Deixou Scripps finalmente em 1963 e transportou-se à Universidade de Harvard para estabelecer um centro para estudos de população. Era lá que Revelle inspirou um de seus estudantes assentar bem em um activista principal do aquecimento global. Este estudante diria mais tarde, “ele feltro como tal privilégio poder ouvir-se sobre os readouts de algumas daquelas medidas em um grupo de não mais do que os undergraduates uma dúzia. Estava aqui este professor que apresenta a algo não os anos velhos mas frescos fora do laboratório, com implicações profundas para nosso futuro!” O estudante descreveu-o como “um professor maravilhoso, visionário” quem fosse “um dos primeiros povos na comunidade académico para soar o alarme no aquecimento global,” esse estudante era Al Gore.


Pensou do Dr. Revelle como seu mentor e referiu-lhe frequentemente, retransmitindo suas experiências como um estudante em sua terra do livro no contrapeso, publicou em 1992.

Então, Roger Revelle era certamente o avô do aquecimento global. Seu trabalho tinha colocado a fundação para o UN IPCC, desde que a munição do combustível do anti-fóssil ao movimento ambiental e a Al Gore emitido em sua estrada a seus livros, sua movimento, seu prémio de paz de Nobel e uns cem milhão dólares do negócio de créditos do carbono.

O que aconteceu em seguida é surpreendente. A agitação do aquecimento global estava transformando-se a celebridade da causa dos meios. Depois que todos os meios são na maior parte liberais, ama Al Gore, amores advertir que nós de desastres iminentes e para nos dizer “o céu estão caindo, o céu estão caindo”. Os políticos e o ecólogo amaram-no, demasiado.

Mas a maré estava girando com o Roger Revelle. Foi forçado para fora em Harvard em 65 e retornou a Califórnia e semi a uma posição da aposentadoria no UCSD. Lá teve o tempo para repensar o dióxido de carbono e o efeito de estufa. O homem que tinha inspirado Al Gore e tinha dado ao UN a investigação básica ele necessário para lanç seu painel intergovernamental na mudança de clima tinha dúvidas. Em 1988 escreveu duas letras preventivas aos membros de congresso. Escreveu, “minha própria opinião pessoal é que nós devemos esperar outros 10 ou 20 anos a ser convencidos realmente que o efeito de estufa está indo ser importante para seres humanos, em maneiras positivas e negativas.” Adicionou, “… nós devemos ser cuidadosos não despertar demasiado alarme até a taxa e uma quantidade de aquecimento torna-se mais desobstruída.”

E em 1991 Revelle aliou-se com Chauncey Starr, fundando o directivo do instituto de investigação da energia eléctrica e do cantor de Fred, o primeiro diretor do serviço satélite de tempo dos E.U., para escrever um artigo para o compartimento do cosmos. Incitaram mais pesquisa e imploraram cientistas e governos não mover demasiado rápido para emissões de CO2 da estufa do freio porque era de modo nenhum certo que o impacto verdadeiro do dióxido de carbono e limitar o uso de combustíveis fósseis poderia ter um impacto negativo enorme na economia e os trabalhos e nosso standard de vida. Eu discuti esta colaboração com o Dr. Cantor. Assegura-me que era consideravelmente mais certo que Revelle do que era naquele tempo que o dióxido de carbono não era um problema.

Roger Revelle atendeu à enclave do verão no bosque boémio em Califórnia do norte no verão de 1990 ao trabalhar nesse artigo? Entregou um discurso da beira do lago lá aos motores e aos abanadores montados de Washington e de Wall Street em que se desculpou emitindo o UN IPCC e Al Gore neste ganso selvagem – persiga sobre o aquecimento global? Disse que a conjectura científica chave de sua vida tinha despejado erradamente? A resposta 2 aquelas perguntas é, “eu penso assim, mas eu não a sei  certo”. Eu não consegui confirmar até à data deste momento. É um pequeno como Las Vegas; o que é dito nas estadas boémias do bosque no bosque boémio. Não há nenhum transcrito ou as gravações e os povos que atendem são incentivados não falar. Contudo, o tópico é tão importante, que alguns povos compartilharam comigo em uma base informal.

Roger Revelle morreu de um ataque cardiaco três meses depois que a história do cosmos foi imprimida. Oh, como eu o desejo estavam ainda vivo hoje. Pôde poder parar este disparate científico e terminar o embuste do aquecimento global.

Al Gore não admitiu a culpa do Mea de Roger Revelle como as acções do homem idoso senil. E, o próximo ano, ao funcionar para o vice-presidente, disse que a ciência atrás do aquecimento global está estabelecida e não haverá não mais debate, de 1992 até que hoje, e suas cortes recusem debater o aquecimento global e em que nos pergunte aproximadamente cépticos insultam-nos simplesmente e chamam-nos nomes.

Tão hoje nós temos a aceitação do dióxido de carbono como o culpado do aquecimento global. Conclui-se que quando nós queimamos combustíveis fósseis nós estamos deixando uma pegada inexorável do carbono que nós devamos pagar a Al Gore ou aos ecólogos para deslocar. Nossos governos em todos os níveis estão considerando taxar o uso de combustíveis fósseis. A Agência de Protecção Ambiental federal está na orla de nomear o CO2 como um poluente e estritamente de regular seu uso proteger nosso clima. O presidente novo e o congresso dos E.U. são a bordo. Muitos governos estatais estão movendo sobre o mesmo curso.

Nós já estamos sofrendo deste disparate do CO2 de várias maneiras. Nossa política energética hobbled estritamente por nenhuma perfuração e por nenhumas refinarias novas por décadas. Nós pagamos pela falta que esta criou cada vez que nós compramos o gás. Sobre isso que o tudo isto sobre o milho baseou o álcool etílico custa-nos milhões dos dinheiros provenientes dos impostos nos subsídios. Isso igualmente conduziu acima dos preços dos alimentos. E, toda a esta é longe de sobre.

E, eu sou convencido totalmente que não há nenhuma base científica para algum dela.

Aquecimento global. É o embuste. É ciência má. É um levantamento com macaco elevado da política de interesse público. Não é nenhum gracejo. É o grande embuste na história.

John Coleman é o fundador da canaleta de tempo e é um apresentador do tempo para o KUSI em San Diego, CA.

Neste momento, este artigo continua a ter importência pelo facto de ter rebentado o caso “Climategate”. Mais um vídeo acerca do assunto:

Global Warming On Trial: Inhofe Solicita uma investigação ao IPCC da ONU

Em resposta à revelações surpreendentes decorrentes dos e-mails hacked CRU, o senador Jim Inhofe afirmou que a menos que algo seja feito nos próximos sete dias, ele vai levar o pedido de uma investigação rigorosa em evidências de que os conceituados cientistas do clima conspiraram para manipular dados para ocultar provas de resfriamento global, enquanto exercíciam a caça às bruxas  a académicos para eliminar os cientistas cépticos de  mudança climática feita pelo homem.

Falando no programa  “Américas Morning Show” hoje cedo, Inhofe,  Membro do Senado do Meio Ambiente e Comissão das Obras Públicas , disse que as novas revelações provam o que ele tem advertido há sobre mais de quatro anos, que os políticos orientaram o preconceito dos cientistas do clima filiadas com a ONU IPCC,  fraudulentamente “cozinharam a ciência” para estar conforme com sua agenda.

“Se nada acontecer nos próximos sete dias, quando voltamos para a sessão de hoje a uma semana que iria mudar essa situação, vou pedir uma investigação”, disse Inhofe. “Cause this thing is serious, you think about the literally millions of dollars that have been thrown away on some of this stuff that they came out with.” “Porque este assunto é sério, você pensa  literalmente acerca dos milhões de dólares que foram gastos em algumas dessas matérias que saíram.”

Ouça a entrevista com Inhofe

A Queda da República (Fall of the Rep*blic) 5 a 8

New CNN Skull And Bones Piece

CNN reports on the secret seociety based at Yale, including how Bonesmen stole the skull of Native American leader Geronimo.

Swedish boy, aged 4, close to death from “swine flu” vaccine

Swedish boy, aged 4, close to death from “swine flu” vaccine


The almost complete cover up in Sweden regarding deaths and other severe “side effects” from the poisinous Pandemrix “swine flu” vaccine is frightening. A few stories are getting out in spite of this, like the story of Kevin, aged 4 living in Stockholm with his mom Mia who is pregnant in her third trimester.

“- I was sure he was dead” she says in an article published at first only in the printed version of the news paper Aftonbladet and later added to their site after being “reminded” by readers to do so.

Kevin sat with his father in a café when he suddenly started to shake uncontrollably. His little body arched backwards in convulsions and his eyes rolled backwards exposing only white. His mom was not far away and someone quickly fetched her saying “Mia come quickly, Kevin is really bad”.

When she arrived to Kevin, a ring of people surrounded him as he was lying flat on the ground. “- His lips were completely white. I have never seen a person that white in my life. I took him in my arms and he was completely limp. My only thought was, ‘He is dead, He is no longer alive’ “, says his mom.

Kevin did no longer breathe. Two nurses happened to be there and they instructed Mia how to give CPR immediately. Mia started to do that while she at the same time felt she was starting to go into labor. She gave her son air as others called for an ambulance. “I lost the sense of time. But after a while his lips got their color back. He opened his eyes.”

During the ride to the hospital, Kevin only expressed one fear: “Mommy, I don’t want to have another shot…”

Doctors who cared for him at his arrival at the Hospital agreed that the only explanation to this was that he two days earlier got the poisonous Pandemrix “swine flu” vaccine. They also said “- He is the second one today, this is in no way unique.”

The news paper contacted The Medical Products Agency in Sweden and spoke with Professor Jan Liliemark who claimed he had never heard of similar cases. “- Children can come in to states of Coma from a variety of reasons. It could be connected to the vaccination but there could also be other reasons.”

Kevin’s parents chose to speak about their ordeal so that other parents would be better informed than they were. They never heard that things like this could happen after a vaccination.

Mia says “- What if this would have happened at home while playing alone in his room while I was cleaning downstairs?”

Original article in Swedish

We have received unconfirmed reports that the number of vaccine “adverse effects” in sweden is now well over 500 including “severe adverse effects” which means life threatening conditions or death. The number of deaths is reported to us to be higher than 50 so far. This information is unconfirmed and the official numbers kept secret according to the also secret agreement between Sweden and GSK, GlaxoSmithKline who produces the poisonous Pandemrix vaccine.


I today spoke with a vaccine manufacturer (a supplier of the API, the active ingredient) at their plant here in Switzerland and they stated that they felt they had to play along in producing and supplying active ingredients to the larger “big” pharma companies since these companies are “so powerful”. The person I spoke with thought it was something seriously wrong with the way the whole “swine flu” scare has unfolded and the role of WHO. The same person also acknowledged that very much research in the medical field which does not support planned products or other businesses is hidden or buried. The two people I spoke with would “absolutely not” take the “swine flu” shot. They did say that the “swine flu” meant good business.

Child paralysed by Flu Mist in the US


“Our granddaughter, Jordyn, (Bobbi and Jeff’s daughter) received the nasal spray vaccine for H1N1 on Tuesday of this week and within a half an hour started feeling bad. She developed a fever of 103 and continued for most of Wednesday with it.  She seemed better yesterday (Thursday), but was still not herself.  She woke up this morning and could not walk (her legs were paralyzed).  Bobbi and Jeff have taken her to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing and we are waiting word.  We think she has Guillain Barre and, if so, the, paralysis can spread to her other limbs and her face. We are requesting prayer from you and as many believers as you have contact with.”

Nine students in the US rushed to hospital after swine flu jab




Nine Caledonia High students have reactions to H1N1 vaccine
All treated and released
by Brian Jones

Nine Lowndes County School District students were rushed to the hospital today after apparently having reactions to the H1N1 vaccine.

H1N1 shots are being made available at schools around the state by the Mississippi Department of Health. Nine students at Caledonia High School were transported to the emergency room after apparently having a reaction to the shot, said Lowndes County Superintendent Mike Halford.

“We had seven students transported by ambulance to Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle,” Halford said. “Two more students were brought in by parents or family members.”

Of the nine, eight had been treated and released by 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, he said.

“The H1N1 vaccine was being administered [Wednesday] at New Hope High School, New Hope Middle School and all levels at Caledonia,” Halford said. “We had given the shots to the high school students, and about fifteen minutes after the shots were given we started having the issues.”

Halford said that students complained of symptoms including shortness of breath, itching and hives.

“We stopped giving the shots at that time,” he said.

According to Mississippi Department of Health District 6 Health Officer Rebecca James, two of the students who developed shortness of breath and hives did so because of a reaction to the shot. The others were “sympathetic reactions,” she said.

“There was no evidence of an allergic reaction in those six,” she said. “A sympathetic reaction is also called a ‘line of sight’ reaction. It’s similar to what happens when one person in a cafeteria throws up, and then suddenly people around them start feeling sick as well.

“Hives can be a sign of a reaction to the shot, but they can also be caused by stress,” she added. “Some of the hives could have been caused simply because the students were nervous about getting a shot. We may never know what caused those students to have those reactions.”

Counting the two reactions at Caledonia High School today, James said that there have been a total of three allergic reactions to the vaccine around the state.

“That is a very mild reaction rate,” she said. “I still feel very comfortable recommending that children be vaccinated against influenza, which can be deadly. I’d rather treat hives and itching that have to treat the flu.”

The vaccine that was given at Caledonia was the exact same vaccine that was given at other schools in Lowndes County, she said, and there had been no other reports of problems.

There have been 16 influenza-related deaths in Mississippi so far, she said.

James said that the LCSD will continue with the H1N1 vaccinations.

“Mike Halford has been very good about handling this,” she said. “He intends to offer the vaccinations at the middle and elementary schools to students who want them.”

A new permission form will be sent home to students before the vaccinations commence again, she said.

Vaccinations at New Hope Elementary School and West Lowndes are scheduled for a later date.

[At 5:00 p.m. yesterday afternoon an ambulance was dispatched to a residence on Mike Parra Road when one of the Caledonia High students treated earlier in the day began having “seizures” and fever. Ed.]



Controle das Massas através de Mensagem Subliminar, Simbolismos

Documentário realizado por Michael Tsarion e Red Ice Creations:

Nesse importante documentário Tsarion trata sobre controle mental das massas através da manipulação, passando pela história, desde os hashashins, Companhia das Índias, assassinatos ritualisticos em massa – como o caso Jim Jones, os Panteras Negras, manipulação da mídia, manipulação religiosa, culto ao deus dionísio, manipulação da mídia, era do despertar e anatomia da psique, Ego e consciência.

Como podemos ter sido hipnotizados desde nossa tenra idade e passarmos a fazer parte de um programa sem que sequer pudessemos nos dar conta.

Como toda a realidade pode ter sido construída ou desconstruída pelos Senhores do Caos.

Um documentário que vc deve assistir de forma imparcial e ponderar com imparciliadade, para poder talvez chegar a compreender a profundidade do buraco do coelho branco.

WHO has huge electronic tracking system in place, reveals document

As early as 2007, WHO put in place a gigantic system of electronic surveillance to track every single person in each of the 194 WHO member states, as a 2007 document reveals.

In view of the strong evidence emerging that nanochips manufactured by companies such as Hitachi are to be used in the “swine flu” vaccine, this raises questions about whether WHO intends to build on its existing databses to gain blanket control of the world’s populations.

In the same 2007 document, WHO also openly states that mass vaccination will cause harm:

“The benefit of a pandemic influenza vaccine may decline for an individual as vaccine
coverage rises,” says the document.

But how can the benefit for the individual possibly decline if the “swine flu” vaccines are a good thing?

“The risk benefit balance for pandemic influenza vaccines depends not only on the efficacy and safety of the vaccines but also on the incidence of infectious disease in the target population, the proportion of infected persons with clinical disease, the severity of clinical disease, the identification of high risk groups, and the risk of transmission,” pipes WHO.

But how can any valid risk benefit balance for the pandemic influenza not be based on an evaluation of efficacy and safety?

“The benefit risk assessment may differ in different target populations,” states WHO.

How can different target populations be exposed to a different degree of risk unless various target populations are to be deliberately exposed to a greater or lesser risk?

This is an excerpt from the WHO 2007 document:

“Regulatory Preparedness for Human Pandemic Influenza Vaccines,
Scroll to pp. 47-48, Lines 2012-2036.
World Health Organization
Geneva – 8 to 12 October 2007.  Version endorsed by ECBS.
Proposed Guidelines:
Regulatory Preparedness for Human Pandemic Influenza Vaccines
Part G. Post-marketing surveillance
G.3.7 Considerations for specific types of pandemic influenza vaccines
2012 G.3.3.8 Use of large computerized database
2013 Systems allowing automated data extraction (safety and efficacy) might exist or be set up in
2014 some countries. Systems requiring specific conditions that do not probably exist in many
2015 countries include the electronic network and legal framework to extract patient-based
2016 information from electronic systems to be used by health care professionals. If such systems
2017 exist or are currently developed, testing of these systems in the inter-pandemic period might
be useful. These databases might also be useful for evaluation of 2018 delayed AEFIs and
2019 effectiveness of pandemic-specific strains.
2020 G.3.4 Immunogenicity and efficacy/effectiveness
2021 Disease incidence during an influenza pandemic cannot be anticipated. Unlike other diseases,
2022 measuring vaccine effectiveness as ‘the protection rate conferred by vaccination in a certain
2023 population’ will be impossible and the true vaccination impact on a population cannot be
2024 determined. However, an estimation of protection in individuals may be performed.
2026 In addition to existing surveillance systems to monitor the onset and evolution of the
2027 pandemic, Public Health Authorities may consider the installation of enhanced surveillance
2028 tools to analyze the ‘effectiveness’ of vaccination campaigns. Protocols should be developed
2029 in the inter-pandemic phase. The study design may need to be reviewed in light of the
2030 anticipated epidemiological features of the pandemic. Methods to use will depend on existing
2031 vaccination strategy and tools. For example, if the entire population was vaccinated, non
2032 vaccinated groups would not be available for comparison cohort studies (although pre
2033 vaccination person-time could be useful). The analysis of data from electronic registries or
2034 highly linked databases may only be feasible in a few countries. Different methods and
2035 strategies may be used in different countries. A number of examples are provided in section
2036 G.3.5 and its subsections.
Sroll down to line 2176 and read that section:
2176 G.3.8 Risk Benefit Assessment
2177 In contrast to other biologicals and drugs used to treat clinical disease, vaccines differ in safety
2178 considerations. Vaccines are a preventive measure mainly given to healthy individuals. In
2179 consequence, a very high standard of safety is usually expected for vaccines used in non
2180 epidemic situations. However, in a pandemic situation the risk benefit balance shifts to the
2181 benefit. As a rapid health benefit is expected to become evident for the individual vaccinee,
2182 certain probability of adverse event(s) might be acceptable for the individual, even if the
2183 incidence of adverse event is higher than for seasonal influenza vaccines.
2185 The risk benefit balance for pandemic influenza vaccines depends not only on the efficacy and
2186 safety of the vaccines but also on the incidence of infectious disease in the target population,
2187 the proportion of infected persons with clinical disease, the severity of clinical disease, the
2188 identification of high risk groups, and the risk of transmission. The benefit risk assessment
2189 may differ in different target populations.
2191 The benefit of a pandemic influenza vaccine may decline for an individual as vaccine
2192 coverage rises, the disease incidence decreases, and herd immunity occurs. Despite a decrease
2193 in disease incidence, the public health benefit of vaccination might remain high if the
2194 probability of disease re-emergence increases when vaccine coverage rate in the population
2195 becomes too low. Thus, the risk benefit balance of using a pandemic influenza vaccine has
2196 both public and individual health aspects.
2198 In all circumstances, any safety concern arising from the use of a pandemic influenza vaccine
2199 will concern a very large number of actual and potential vaccinees. Therefore, safety issues
2200 need to be evaluated promptly.

The Flu Case

Chemical Dumbing Down of America

Why is America so brainwashed by the corporate media? Why do we care more about American Idol and sports games than being poisoned with mercury in our vaccinations and sodium fluoride in our water supply? America needs to wake up and get the facts about our chemical manipulation before it’s too late.

Check out my channel for similar videos.

Music: Pink Floyd – Sheep/Us and Them

Controle das Massas através de Mensagem Subliminar, Simbolismos…1/2 e 3


Documentário realizado por Michael Tsarion e Red Ice Creations:

Nesse importante documentário Tsarion trata sobre controle mental das massas através da manipulação, passando pela história, desde os hashashins, Companhia das Índias, assassinatos ritualisticos em massa – como o caso Jim Jones, os Panteras Negras, manipulação da mídia, manipulação religiosa, culto ao deus dionísio, manipulação da mídia, era do despertar e anatomia da psique, Ego e consciência.

Como podemos ter sido hipnotizados desde nossa tenra idade e passarmos a fazer parte de um programa sem que sequer pudessemos nos dar conta.

Como toda a realidade pode ter sido construída ou desconstruída pelos Senhores do Caos.

Um documentário que vc deve assistir de forma imparcial e ponderar com imparciliadade, para poder talvez chegar a compreender a profundidade do buraco do coelho branco.

Internal French Government Document Reveals Plans To Vaccinate All French Citizens Without Exception

vaccinateFrench governmentA newly discovered internal French government document contains shocking details about how the French government plans to implement a military style vaccination program and how they plan to implement every single French citizen without exception.

The document is dated August 21st and it is signed by the French Health Minister and the French Minister of the Interior.

You can see the document for yourself right here, but unless you can read French you will not be able to understand it:


Fortunately, the document has been analyzed by someone who does understand French on another blog, and the following is an excerpt from that analysis:


The objective of the 19-page document is the systematic vaccination of the entire French population in the period October, November, December 2009 and January 2010.

Secure facilities are to be established in every region that will serve as “vaccination centers”.

On page 3 the order is explicitly given that no medical establishments should serve as vaccine centers.

GPs are to play no role in the vaccination programme.

School age children are to be vaccinated by special mobile pandemic vaccination teams in their schools.

The largest vaccination facilities – Centers of Vaccination of a Large Capacity (Centres de vaccination de grande capacite (CVGC) – with added security (fonctionnement renforce) are calculated to vaccinate 2,100 people each day.

Vaccine “teams” are to work in parallel vaccinating people in three 4-hour blocs each day, and the document calculates that two teams operating in this way will allow 184,800 injections to be given to 92,400 people in a center working five days a week for the entire four month period of the mass vaccination campaign.

No explicit mention of forced vaccination is made but the document states that everyone in the country without exception is to be vaccinated.

Data from the health insurance bodies are to be used to ensure that everyone receives the toxic “swine flu” jab.

The need to implement measures to track every single person in France to determine whether they have been vaccinated or not is stressed.


Special mobile pandemic vaccination teams?

Vaccination of the entire population without exception?

The use of health insurance data to ensure that every single French citizen gets a swine flu shot?

Just what kind of insanity is this?

Perhaps another question that needs to be addressed is whether or not similar documents are being circulated in other WHO countries.

Is this just a plan for France, or is this a plan that is going to be implemented throughout the world?

Meanwhile, the anti-swine flu vaccine movement is rapidly building in many countries around the globe.  In fact, one investigative reporter recently told Russia Today that some scientists involved in the creation of vaccines are telling their families and friends NOT to take this swine flu vaccine.  Just check out this stunning video clip of the interview…..

As the debate over the swine flu vaccine continues to rage, troubling news about a dangerous new form of the swine flu has surfaced.  According to the WHO, doctors in some areas of the world are reporting that a severe form of the H1N1 swine flu that goes straight to the lungs is causing devastating respiratory illness in otherwise healthy young people.

Reuters is reporting that the WHO had the following to say about this new form of the swine flu:

“Perhaps most significantly, clinicians from around the world are reporting a very severe form of disease, also in young and otherwise healthy people, which is rarely seen during seasonal influenza infections.”

This is very troubling news indeed.  Many natural health experts are encouraging people to keep their immunity up by taking plenty of vitamin D and plenty of vitamin C to help avoid coming down with the disease.

Perhaps even more troubling is news that the WHO is now saying that minority groups and indigenous populations may have a much higher risk of becoming severely ill with H1N1.

How much of a higher risk?

Consider this quote from the WHO as reported by Reuters:

“In some studies, the risk in these groups is four to five times higher than in the general population.”

Four to five times higher?

In a world where race-specific bioweapons have been developed and are being developed, a development of this nature is very, very suspicious.  Let us hope that this is  just a coincidence and that this flu has not been “designed” to act this way.

European medicines agency admits “swine flu” vaccination is a huge biological experiment


The European Medicines Agency (EMA), based in London and responsible for reviewing the safety pandemic flu vaccine, has admitted a large-scale biological experiment is being conducted wilfully and deliberately by WHO and the vaccine companies on the people of Europe and the rest of the world by the use of a vaccine whose safety is not known.

Such biological experiments are forbidden under law.

In a June Q and A press release on the pandemic vaccines, the EMA states that the safety of the vaccine will not be known before it is issued to the general population and manufacturers will therefore be required to continue safety assessments during the administration of the vaccine.

Also, they will be required to put in place “special risk management plans”. There is talk of monitoring the safety of the vaccines but there is no mention of stopping the mass vaccination campaign.

The question is: why are adequate safety tests not being carried out before the vaccine is administered?


The Flu Case

The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Is On The Way – Ready Or Not


The World Health Organization, the CDC and health authorities around the world are preparing for the largest and most comprehensive mass vaccination campaign in the history of humanity this fall.  It appears that governments and health organizations around the world have virtually all decided to push forward with vaccinating their populations for the swine flu as quickly as possible – whether or not the vaccine have been sufficiently tested or proven to be safe.

The U.S. government is making unprecedented preparations to make sure that the vaccination program goes smoothly.  According to the Department of Defense, even the U.S. military plans to “assist” civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 swine flu in the fall.

So just how does the U.S. military plan to “assist” civilian authorities? Would they actually be involved with the vaccination program itself? After all, the World Health Organization is recommending that mandatory swine flu vaccinations be administered in almost 200 different countries.

And it now appears that a swine flu vaccine will be available in the fall – whether it is fully tested or not.

According to reports, vaccine manufacturers apparently plan to rely on a U.S. emergency declaration to use experimental additives made by GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis in their swine flu vaccines that many health experts are describing as potentially very dangerous.

But governments around the globe seem to be ignoring any potential danger to rushing a swine flu vaccine out. In fact, the U.S. government is looking for several thousand volunteers to start rolling up their sleeves for the first swine flu shot trials.

Anybody want to volunteer?

Normally it takes months or even years to develop and fully test a vaccine.

But in a misguided effort to vaccinate as many people as possible before the winter starts, many European governments are saying that they will “fast-track” the testing of a swine flu vaccine.

But is rushing an experimental vaccine out to the public wise?

Especially considering what happened when a swine flu vaccine was rushed out in the 1970s?

Do they even remember that the vaccine killed far more people than the swine flu ever did at that time?

If you think that a swine flu vaccine should be rushed out, perhaps you should read “The Truth About The Flu Shot” by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:


The truth is that vaccines are not nearly as safe as they are portrayed to be.

Many vaccine activists are very concerned about this upcoming swine flu vaccination program, and the fact that the Washington Post has confirmed that the swine flu vaccine WILL contain mercury is not going to ease their fears.

In fact, U.S. health authorities are actually recommending that kids get FOUR flu shots this fall. Are you absolutely certain that it is healthy for your kids to be shot full of mercury? If not, then perhaps you should do some serious research.

In any event, health authorities around the globe are clearly extremely concerned about this swine flu pandemic, and they are determined to do something about it.

According to stunning new estimates from the CDC, hundreds of thousands of Americans could die from the H1N1 swine flu over the next 2 years.

The World Health Organization is saying that the H1N1 pandemic is gaining speed. In fact, the WHO is estimating that 2 billion people will get the “swine flu” over the next 2 years.

That is approximately one-third of the people on earth.

Wow!  Those are eye-popping numbers.

Some cities have become so alarmed that they are taking their preparations to bizarre extremes.

For example, the Exeter City Council says that it is actually considering using the catacombs under the city to store the corpses of deceased swine flu victims if the pandemic worsens.

Now that is bizarre!

Hopefully we are not going to be facing a crisis that requires mass graves.

But in any event, are there rational things that the average person can do to prepare for this fall and winter?


Some health experts are now claiming that Vitamin D is a “major weapon” against the swine flu. In fact, if you do some research there are a number of things that you can do to significantly boost your immune system, and there are a number of natural methods to fight the swine flu if you do end up contracting it.

But perhaps the biggest danger we will face is if the H1N1 virus seriously mutates. For example, scientists are now starting to wonder what will happen when the H1N1 flu encounters the H5N1 flu.

Will it create a super flu?

Will it create a flu that is easily transmissible from human to human like H1N1 but that also has a high death rate like H5N1?

WHO ignores scientific evidence, says The Lancet

swine flu mask

A study in the UK medical journal The Lancet confirms what many have come to suspect: WHO ignores facts, logic and evidence when formulating its guidelines and recommendations.

An online study of WHO’s decision-making process from 2007 reveals that WHO uses a “distinctly non-transparent process” when issuing guidelines – guidelines that nevertheless appear consistently to correspond to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies that sit on WHO’s committees.

WHO’s tradition of ignoring scientific evidence and of making decisions that are “distinctly non-transparent” was continued this June when the UN public health watchdog declared a pandemic level 6 emergency over the “lethal” “swine flu” in spite of the absence of evidence of any pandemic at all and a mere 500 deaths.

In July, WHO refused to publish the Minutes of a key meeting of its vaccine advisory board, packed with Baxter; Novartis, GSK and Sanofi and other pharma executives as “observers”, which “recommended” the “swine flu” vaccine — produced by Baxter, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi — to the globe.

WHO has also not publicised the ramifications of its International Health Regulations 2005 or its various national pandemic plans, which allow WHO in a “distinctly non-transparent” process to somehow take charge of every nation’s health and police services and even government in the event of WHO unilaterally declaring a pandemic level 6 emergency.

Dr Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO,  cancelled in June the requirement of governments to collect any data on the “swine flu”, leaving her free to make statements about the “incredible speed” with which the flu spreads and its “virulence” without being hampered by mere facts and pedestrian reality.

The Lancet: WHO Ignored Evidence in Guidelines

NewsMax.com Wires
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

LONDON — When developing “evidence-based” guidelines, the World Health Organization routinely forgets one key ingredient: evidence. That is the verdict from a study published in The Lancet online Tuesday.

The medical journal’s criticism of WHO could shock many in the global health community, as one of WHO’s main jobs is to produce guidelines on everything from fighting the spread of bird flu and malaria control to enacting anti-tobacco legislation.

“This is a pretty seismic event,” Lancet editor Dr. Richard Horton, who was not involved in the research for the article. “It undermines the very purpose of WHO.”

The study was conducted by Dr. Andrew Oxman and Dr. Atle Fretheim, of the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services, and Dr. John Lavis at McMaster University in Canada. They interviewed senior WHO officials and analyzed various guidelines to determine how they were produced. What they found was a distinctly non-transparent process.

“It’s difficult to judge how much confidence you can have in WHO guidelines if you’re not told how they were developed,” Oxman said. “In that case, you’re left with blind trust.”

WHO issues about 200 sets of recommendations every year, acting as a public health arbiter to the global community by sifting through competing scientific theories and studies to put forth the best policies.

WHO’s Director of Research Policy Dr. Tikki Pang said that some of his WHO colleagues were shocked by The Lancet’s study, but he acknowledged the criticism had merit, and explained that time pressures and a lack of both information and money sometimes compromised WHO work.

“We know our credibility is at stake,” Pang said, “and we are now going to get our act together.”

WHO officials also noted that, in many cases, evidence simply did not exist. Data from developing countries are patchy at best, and in an outbreak, information changes as the crisis unfolds.

To address the problem, they said, WHO is trying to develop new ways to collect information in poor regions, and has proposed establishing a committee to oversee the issuance of all health guidelines.

The Lancet study – conducted in 2003-04 through analyzing WHO guidelines and questioning WHO officials – also found that the officials themselves were concerned about the agency’s methods.

One unnamed WHO director was quoted in the study as saying: “I would have liked to have had more evidence to base recommendations on.” Another said: “We never had the evidence base well-documented.”

Pang said that, while some guidelines might be suspect and based on just a few expert opinions, others were developed under rigorous study and so were more reliable.

For example, WHO’s recent advice on treating bird flu patients was developed under tight scrutiny.

Oxman also noted that WHO had its own quality-control process. When its 1999 guidelines for treating high blood pressure were criticized for, among other things, recommending expensive drugs over cheaper options without proven benefit, the agency issued its “guidelines for writing guidelines,” which led to a revision of its advice on hypertension.

“People are well-intended at WHO,” Oxman said. “The problem is that good intentions and plausible theories aren’t sufficient.”

It remains to be seen how WHO’s 193 member countries will react to The Lancet study, released just before WHO’s governing body – the World Health Assembly – meets next week at U.N. headquarters in Geneva to decide future health strategies.

“If countries do not have confidence in the technical competence of WHO, then its very existence is called into question,” said Horton, the journal’s editor. “This study shows that there is a systemic problem within the organization, that it refuses to put science first.”

WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan, who took over the position this year, will be under pressure to respond to the study’s criticism.

“We need a strong WHO,” which in recent years “has seen its independence eroded and its trust diminished,” Horton said. “Now is a fabulous opportunity for WHO to reinvent itself as the technical agency it was always meant to be.”

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The Truth Of Iraq’s City Of Deformed Babies

An Iraqi doctor has told Sky News the number of babies born with deformities in the heavily-bombed area of Fallujah is still on the increase.

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Fifteen months ago a Sky News investigation revealed growing numbers of children being born with defects in Fallujah.

Concerns were that the rise in deformities may have been linked to the use of chemical weapons by US forces.

We recently returned to find out the current situation and what has happened to some of the children we featured.

In May last year we told the story of a three-year-old girl called Fatima Ahmed who was born with two heads.

When we filmed her she seemed like a listless bundle – she lay there barely able to breathe and unable to move.

Even now and having seen the pictures many times since I still feel shocked and saddened when I look at her.

But the prognosis for Fatima never looked good and, as feared, she never made it to her fourth birthday.

Her mother Shukriya told us about the night her daughter died.

Wiping away her tears, Shukriya said she had put her daughter to bed as normal one night but woke with the dreadful sense that something was wrong.

She told us she felt it was her daughter’s moment to die, but of course that does not make the pain any easier.

Fatima’s father had taken his little girl’s hand but it was cold.

“She is gone,” he had said to his distraught wife.

Another girl we met last year was Tiba Aftan who was born with a huge growth across her face.

Now she is a toddler her future is looking brighter having gone to neighbouring Jordan to have it removed.

The growth had covered half of Tiba’s forehead and was invading one of her eyes – and it was getting bigger as she got older.

Although the operation was a success Tiba will need more surgery and the last trip cost her family almost every penny they have.

But since our original investigation, we have built up a new dossier of cases of deformed children in Fallujah born in the last eight months.

There are a wide range of problems – from abnormalities of the abdomen to facial disfigurements.

We have also seen pictures of all kinds of deformed foetuses which have not survived.

There is no precise explanation as to what has caused the deformities and there are no figures to compare cases with those a decade or more ago as records were not kept during the time of Saddam Hussein.

All of our evidence is anecdotal, but repeatedly people tell us they believe the deformities must be linked to the heavy bombardment of Fallujah – a Sunni insurgent stronghold – by America in 2004.

People want an independent investigation into the impact of the kinds of weapons used – including controversial white phosphorus.

Yet even since we first started to give a voice to the calls for help from the people of Fallujah things seem to have got worse.

Dr Ahmed Uraibi, a specialist paediatrician in Fallujah, told us that the number of deformities he has dealt with has increased in the last year.

The people of Fallujah want to know how many more deformed babies there will be before someone sits up and takes notice of them.


Illuminati – A verdade The truth about the Illuminati Pt 1 e 2

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Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World – Parte 05/06 – Aspartame

O aspartamo ou aspartame é uma neurotoxina utilizada para substituir o açúcar comum. Ele tem maior poder de adoçar (cerca de 200 vezes mais doce que a sacarose) e é menos denso. O aspartamo geralmente é vendido junto com outros produtos. É o adoçante mais utilizado em bebidas.

O aspartamo é consumido por mais de 200 milhões de pessoas, em todo o mundo e está presente em mais de 6000 produtos.
Este veneno esta sendo consumido inocentemente pelas pessoas, com aprovação da Organização Mundial de Saúde.

Faça uma pesquisa por “Codex Alimentarius” e você ficará surpreso com as proporções que isso vem tomando.

Obs: Não fui eu quem legendou o video, apenas mesclei as legendas a ele. Mesmo que em alguns momentos tenham dificuldade de acompanhar a legenda por conta da cor, vale a pena assistir ao documentário

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Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World – Parte 04

O aspartamo ou aspartame é uma neurotoxina utilizada para substituir o açúcar comum. Ele tem maior poder de adoçar (cerca de 200 vezes mais doce que a sacarose) e é menos denso. O aspartamo geralmente é vendido junto com outros produtos. É o adoçante mais utilizado em bebidas.

O aspartamo é consumido por mais de 200 milhões de pessoas, em todo o mundo e está presente em mais de 6000 produtos.
Este veneno esta sendo consumido inocentemente pelas pessoas, com aprovação da Organização Mundial de Saúde.

Faça uma pesquisa por “Codex Alimentarius” e você ficará surpreso com as proporções que isso vem tomando.

Obs: Não fui eu quem legendou o video, apenas mesclei as legendas a ele. Mesmo que em alguns momentos tenham dificuldade de acompanhar a legenda por conta da cor, vale a pena assistir ao documentário

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Descoberto elo perdido entre Homens e primatas

Cientistas acreditam ter descoberto o “missing link”, o elo perdido que explica a transição entre primatas e a primeira linhagem do Homem.

foto AFP
Descoberto elo perdido entre Homens e primatas
O fóssil tem o nome de Ida

O fóssil de 47 mil anos, baptizado com o nome Ida, foi apresentado esta terça-feira, no Museu de História Natural de Iorque.

Os cientistas acreditam que Ida é a forma ancestral que está na transição entre os primatas superiores, onde se incluiu a espécie humana, e primatas inferiores, como são os lémures. A dúvida sobre quando e como surgiu o Homem pode ter encontrado a resposta em Ida.

Trata-se de um exemplar de cerca de um metro, do sexo feminino e, segundo o pesquisador Jenz Franzen, com características que o aproximam dos primeiros hominídeos. Ao contrário dos lémures, Ida tem unhas em vez de garras, o polegar opositor, o segundo dedo do pé não está em forma de garra e não tem dentes fundidos. Os olhos estão no mesmo plano, o que se traduz numa visão tridimensional, semelhante à nossa e mais afastada da visão dos lémures.

No fóssil, encontrado em excelente estado de conservação, é ainda possível distinguir contornos de pêlos e os restos da última refeição.

A descoberta de Ida remonta a 1983, quando um “caçador” de fósseis amador encontrou o fóssil em Messel Pit, na Alemanha. Depois de o guardar durante vários anos, decidiu vendê-lo. Nessa altura o esqueleto do fóssil foi separado em duas partes por coleccionadores, motivo suficiente para que a importância da descoberta não fosse imediatamente reconhecida.

Quando se apercebeu que estava perante um fóssil que poderia resolver uma das maiores incógnitas da humanidade, o paleontólogo Jorn Hurum, reuniu uma equipa de investigadores e, durante os últimos dois anos, realizou uma minuciosa e secreta análise forense ao fóssil.

O nome científico atribuído a Ida é Darwinius masillae, em honra ao 200º aniversário de Charles Darwin, que se comemorou a 12 de Fevereiro de 2009.

Fonte: J.N.

Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World – Parte 01

O aspartamo ou aspartame é uma neurotoxina utilizada para substituir o açúcar comum. Ele tem maior poder de adoçar (cerca de 200 vezes mais doce que a sacarose) e é menos denso. O aspartamo geralmente é vendido junto com outros produtos. É o adoçante mais utilizado em bebidas.

O aspartamo é consumido por mais de 200 milhões de pessoas, em todo o mundo e está presente em mais de 6000 produtos.
Este veneno esta sendo consumido inocentemente pelas pessoas, com aprovação da Organização Mundial de Saúde.

Faça uma pesquisa por “Codex Alimentarius” e você ficará surpreso com as proporções que isso vem tomando.

Obs: Não fui eu quem legendou o video, apenas mesclei as legendas a ele. Mesmo que em alguns momentos tenham dificuldade de acompanhar a legenda por conta da cor, vale a pena assistir ao documentário

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Nova escultura da Vénus com 35 mil anos é a mais antiga representação humana

13.05.2009 – 21h01 Nicolau Ferreir A escultura tem seis centímetros e altura e pesa 33 gramas

Quando se olha para a nova Vénus de Hohle Fels é impossível não nos lembrarmos da fotografia icónica da arte figurativa pré-histórica — a Vénus de Willendorf, descoberta na Áustria em 1908 e que tem 28 mil anos. A nova figura feminina tem as proporções dos caracteres sexuais femininos ainda mais exageradas e estima-se que foi esculpida há mais de 35 mil anos.

“Não há nenhuma dúvida de que a representação de um peito aumentado, das nádegas e genitália acentuadas resultam de um exagero deliberado das características sexuais da figura”, disse Nicholas Conard no artigo publicado hoje na revista Nature. O investigador da Universidade de Tubinga (Alemanha) estudou detalhadamente a figura, que foi um dos seis fragmentos de marfim encontrados em Setembro de 2008 no Sudoeste da Alemanha.

A descoberta foi feita nas grutas de Hohle Fels em estratos do Paleolítico Superior, poucos milhares de anos depois dos primeiros Homo sapiens sapiens — o homem moderno — terem colonizado a Europa. A escultura, que tem menos de seis centímetros e 33 gramas, é a representação mais antiga conhecida de arte figurativa.

“É incontornável que a Europa tem as manifestações artísticas figurativas mais antigas”, disse ao PÚBLICO Mariana Diniz, arqueóloga e professora da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa.

O que há de especial no continente que não existia no Médio Oriente ou em África, onde populações geneticamente idênticas existiam há mais tempo? Uma pressão maior nas populações humanas a nível climático, devido à era glaciar que se vivia, refere. Mas “como é que estas coisas se cruzam ainda não se sabe”.

As populações humanas que viviam nesta altura no centro da Europa tinham, diz Mariana Diniz, “um grau cultural considerável”. Eram sociedades de caçadores-recolectores segmentadas em grupos de cerca de 25 pessoas, com ritmos de deslocação certos e que trocavam frequentemente ideias, objectos e experiências.

Foi neste contexto que a Vénus de Hohle Fels terá sido esculpida. O que continua a ser controverso é o porquê a sexualidade feminina exacerbada.

“A representação clara das características sexuais sugere que são uma expressão directa ou indirecta da fertilidade”, defende Conard no artigo. Como a Vénus de Willendorf, não são só certas características que estão sobrevalorizadas, partes anatómicas como os pés e pernas são minimizadas. A cabeça, neste caso, transforma-se num pequeno anel que parece servir para pendurar o objecto. Mariana Diniz avança com o nome de “amuleto erótico”, no qual “a cabeça, que seria aquilo que individualizava as pessoas, não está lá.”

Uma das características destas figuras é a representação da gordura. Muitas vezes é tão realista que os investigadores defendem que quem esculpiu terá de ter visto alguém com um nível de obesidade raro nestas sociedades. Isto, segundo Mariana Diniz, mostra que a gordura era apreciada, talvez porque a obesidade era algo que não se tinha e podia estar associada “ao poder, aos que não têm de trabalhar”.