Maddie is watching The Parents

Madeleine McCann: Watching The Parents

mccann.jpgMORE no news on the Madeleine McCann case.

It is now a week since the three-year-old girl was snatched from a Portugal holiday resort.

The story has been distressing to watch on our TV screens. What it must like for the parents of Madeleine only a few can know.


But their misery is far from complete. With no news of Madeleine, and the Portuguese police having no need to indulge the British tabloids with speculation and theory, Madeleine’s parents are the central characters.

And today’s front-page news, as reported by the caring Mirror, is: “THEY KNOW LEAVING KIDS WAS WRONG.”

Does the Mirror mean to say that Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry, now think they did the wrong thing in nipping out for a bite to eat and leaving the children in the apartment on what they thought was a secure resort?

Does the Mirror mean that the McCanns know that popping back regularly to look at their children and checking on their well being was less than perfect?

Does the Mirror mean that the McCanns realise they should not have left their children alone, just like it is wrong to leave a child in a hotel under the auspices of a baby monitoring service, to leave a child in the car while mum goes to pay for petrol, to talk to a neighbour over a garden fence while the children are indoors?

Of course this is not the Mirror’s view. Oh, no. This is Madeleine’s grandmother, Susan Healy, saying: “They know this was a mistake. But it wasn’t child neglect, it wasn’t not caring for your children.”

LeYa MaIs

In AnoRaK

Madeleine McCann: Suing Amaral, Mark Lawson’s Fact And Fiction, And Bloggers Beware

Who gets sued?

The McCanns plan to take action against Amaral, Portuguese newspapers which reprinted parts of the £10 book and bloggers who discussed it.

LeYA Mais AQUI e In AnoraKe

Um pensamento em “Maddie is watching The Parents”

  1. Uma pouca vergonha…
    E que fez o Governo Português?
    Serviu a cabeça de Gonçalo Amaral numa bandeja de chã, a Gordon Brown!
    Sócrates e companhia seguem as pisadas de D. Carlos I.
    Ressuscitem os revolucionários que prepararam o regicídio e o 5 de Outubro de 1910.


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